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Ford Not Ready to Follow Alberta's Lead When it Comes to Easing COVID-19 Restrictions

Premier Ford has no plans to follow Alberta's lead when it comes to loosening mask and quarantine restrictions.

Ontario does not have any plans to follow Alberta's lead in easing COVID-19 restrictions. 

Alberta is ending isolation requirements for people who test positive for COVID-19. They're also ending quarantine rules for people who come into close contact. The Province also announced they will be loosening mask restrictions. 

Ontario Premier Doug Ford was asked to if the Province would follow suit.

"We are going to stay vigilant here and we are going to stay with the masks."

Ford says the only way to get out of this thing is vaccinations.

"Simple as that, we need to continue hitting our target, I'm glad to say we hit our 80% target and we are going to hit our 75% target soon. I have all the confidence in the people and the front line health care workers."

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