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Gales Gas Responds to Angry Customer

Customer angry needle didn't move on his F150 after stopping to get gas

An unusual post on the Facebook page for Gales Gas Bar that begins, "We hate to have to put out a post like this, but it's absolutely necessary."

The post goes on to say Gales management is aware gas prices are astronomical but they note it is not okay for their employees to face abuse, harassment and hate talk because of the price.

In caps the post points out to customers "JUST BECAUSE YOUR NEEDLE DOESN'T MOVE DOESN'T MEAN YOU DIDN'T GET FUEL."

So before you yell at the attendant or call and swear at our office staff, ask yourself did I put enough gas in the tank to actually move the needle?

Gales management then goes on to say "to the 'gentleman' that just called our office swearing up a storm because $20 didn't move the needle of his F150.... we forgive you. But please don't come back"


Here is the post in full:

We hate to have to put out a post like this, but it's absolutely necessary.

We KNOW that gas prices are astronomical.


It is NOT ok for our employees to face abuse, harassment, hate talk, etc because of the price of gas.

$20 at $1.80/L give you 11L of gas. This is totally different than $20 at $1/L - which gives you 20L!

Before you yell at the attendant, or call and swear at our office staff, think to yourself - have I actually put enough fuel in the tank to move the needle?


We don't refine the product, we just retail it - the same as a store that sells shirts. We are the little guy, and are trying to manage these prices just like you.

So, to the 'gentleman' that just called our office swearing up a storm because $20 didn't move the needle of his F150.... we forgive you.

But please, don't come back.

We don't deserve that abuse - any of us

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