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Local Animal Expert Advises Prospective Pet Owners to Do Their Research

The demand for animal companionship has risen across the world during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Tammy Gaboury, Animal Care Manager at the Niagara SPCA, says that despite fewer animals available for adoption, 1514 pets have been adopted from the shelter since March. 

She advises prospective owners to research breeds and strategize before bringing a new dog into their home. 

"We just want to make sure that people are doing their research, that they're planning ahead because eventually, we will get back to somewhat of a norm in our schedules and that will have an effect on those animals that we've brought into our homes during this time."

Gaboury also warns that it's vital for everyone in the household to be on board with bringing a new pet into the family. 

"It's a family affair, having a pet in your life, and the responsibility as well is a team effort."

She says that when screening applicants, the shelter considers the applicant's previous pet ownership history, veterinary references, and how well the animal in question would fit in with the household. 

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