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Meeting Scheduled in April over Bail Reform

President of OPP Association is optimistic action is coming on bail reform for repeat violent offenders

There's optimism from the President of the Ontario Provincial Police Association for progress in bail reform when he meets with the federal government in mid April.

The meeting will also include a number of other police organizations.

John Cerasuolo can't give any specifics, but adds it's about going after repeat violent offenders, after several police officers have been killed on duty in Ontario.  "It's not about adding more charges to people, or putting them in jail, and keeping them in jail.... it's how we ensure they're following their conditions, and not re-offending." 

He adds it's all about giving police officers an extra level of protection when dealing with repeat violent offenders.

They'll also be discussing enhancement of Crimestoppers, and how to help sureties, which is someone who assumes responsibility for the behaviour of someone in the court system.

"And with respect to sureties, that they are ensuring they are doing their due diligence, and their responsibilities, when an offender is out on bail conditions, that they look after and ensure.  And if not, the offender is not abiding those conditions, that there's an avenue for them to report," he says.

He says movement really started up after the death of OPP officer Greg Pierzchala, who was shot to death while helping two people in Hagersville.

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