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More than 700 New COVID-19 Cases in Ontario

Province reports 148 people in ICU due to virus.

Another day with more than 700 new COVID-19 cases in the province. 

Health officials report 788 new infections and three more deaths. 

One of the deaths occurred over a month ago and was added to the count based on data cleaning. 

Just over 26,000 tests were completed the previous day. 

Currently, there are 145 COVID-19 hospital patients confirmed, but the number is expected to be higher, as over ten percent of hospitals don't submit data to the Daily Bed Census over weekends. 

Officials are also reporting 148 people in ICUs due to COVID-19. 

Health Minister Christine Elliott notes that 89.7 percent of Ontarians 12 and older have at least one vaccinations and 86.3 percent have two doses. 

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