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NDP MPPs Re-introduce Anti-Replacement Workers Legislation

NDP proposes legislation to ban the use of replacement workers during a strike or lockout, except in the event of emergencies

The Ontario NDP has re-introduced a bill calling for restrictions on replacement workers. 

If passed, the Anti-Scab Labour Act would ban the use of replacement workers during a strike or lockout, unless there is an emergency.

The bill was introduced today by MPP France Gélinas, and was co-sponsored by MPPs Jennifer French, Wayne Gates, Lisa Gretzky and Jamie West. 

Ontario banned scab labour in 1992, but the ban was repealed three years later. 

The MPPs say allowing replacement workers during strikes or lockouts can have a negative impact on collective bargaining. 

"I have been a member of the labour movement for 40 years," Gates stated. "Over and over again I have seen workers’ rights trampled on when workers are locked out and employers use scab labour to do their jobs. There is no incentive for employers to bargain in good faith, or at all, if they can simply replace locked out workers with scab workers. The Ford conservative government spends a lot of time saying they stand up for workers. Now is the time to do that and pass this bill."

The sponsors say the bill could be incorporated into legislation already introduced by Labour Minister Monte McNaughton. 


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