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New Modelling Suggests National Decline in COVID-19 Spread, Delta Variant Still Concerning

Canada's COVID-19 case count is declining across the country, but data from the Public Health Agency of Canada warns the Delta variant could undo some of the country's progress.

Data indicates as more and more Canadians get vaccinated, the number of infections and hospitalizations continue to fall, allowing provinces to ease restrictions. 

The modelling suggests while Canada can expect a continued drop in new cases over the next two months, the Delta variant continues to pose a threat. 

It indicates if Delta becomes the predominant strain, the country may see hospitals exceeding capacity rates again in the fall and winter. 

Canada's Chief Public Health Officer Dr. Theresa Tam warns Delta is the most contagious strain of the virus to date, and its presence has increased in Canada. 

Tam says the variant poses the biggest threat to those who aren't vaccinated. 

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