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New Park Opening in Welland

Photo Credit: engagewelland.ca

Grand opening for Sparrow Meadows Park in Welland will take place on September 18th

A new park is about to open up in Welland. 

The grand opening for Sparrow Meadows Park on Julia Drive will take place on Monday at 11:00 a.m. 

The City says there were a few weather related delays over the summer, but contractors worked hard to finish the project before the fall.

"Parks are so much more than playgrounds; they can connect us to nature, teach us about our environment, and provide a place of connection and social interaction," said Dave Steven, manager of parks, forestry, cemeteries, operations, and development. "Parks enrich our lives physically, emotionally, and economically, and we hope this park will become a beloved space for residents of all ages to connect with nature, engage in physical activities, and create lasting memories."

Throughout the last two years, city staff received feedback from the public to make sure the park met the needs of residents. 

Two more parks are being planned for the Dain City area over the next few years. 

Construction on the park along Canal Bank Street is expected to start in the fall.

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