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Niagara Region 'Seat at the Table' Program Deemed a Success

Program provided guidance to women looking to enter municipal government

The Niagara Region's Seat at the Table program is being called a success. 

The project took place from April 2022 to this past April, with virtual sessions being held to help women overcome barriers when running for municipal office. 

The project also included mentorship opportunities for underrepresented women looking to enter municipal politics. 

"It’s encouraging to see an increase in women elected officials because we know that women and gender diverse candidates face many challenges and barriers. We consider the Seat at the Table project a success based on the positive feedback we heard from the participants. The project provided women and gender diverse individuals interested in seeking election with a safe, informative environment that helped them build relationships and learn from women who have experience navigating the political system in Niagara." ~ Michelle Sergi, Commissioner, Growth Strategy and Economic Development

There were over 200 participants, with 17 running in last fall's election. 

Eight of them were elected. 

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