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Ontario Health Minister Warns Stay at Home Order May be Extended

Health Minister Christine Elliott warns that the province's stay at home order may remain in place for longer than anticipated.

A four week order was initially issued on April 7th, but was extended for two more weeks to ease pressures on the healthcare system. 

Currently, the order is set to expire on May 20th, but Elliott says numbers are still very high and they need to go down more before the order ends. 

Elliott says the final decision on lifting the stay at home order will be made by Chief Medical Officer of Health Dr. David Williams. Dr. Williams stated this afternoon that he wants to see cases below 1,000 before we ease restrictions. He did say Ontario is starting to bend the curve on the 3rd wave. 

Earlier today, the province recorded 2,716 new cases and 19 more COVID-19 related deaths. 

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