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Oosterhoff Encouraging Residents to Take Advantage of Ontario Staycation Tax Credit

Oosterhoff says Ontario Staycation Tax Credit will help Niagara's tourism sector.

Niagara West MPP Sam Oosterhoff is urging residents to make the most of the province's staycation tax credit. 

We spoke to Oosterhoff, who says that the credit offers benefits to both businesses and families. 

"It encourages them to visit job creators, who have been hurting, and also ensuring that as a family, they're able to get out, take in the sights and sounds of Ontario, which has so much to offer."

With the Ontario Staycation Tax Credit, anyone who travels within Ontario this year can get 20 percent of their expenses reimbursed on their 2022 income tax return, up to $1,000 for an individual and up to $2,000 for families.

Oosterhoff also says he has heard from local operators that were hit hard by the pandemic, and he believes this will help provide a boost to tourism businesses here in Niagara. 

The full interview is available below. 

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