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Premier Asks 55 Health Professionals and Groups if Schools Should Reopen

Group has until 5 pm today to respond

Parents and students will have to wait a while longer before they find out if in-class learning will resume next month.

In an unusual move, the Premier sent a letter to over 55 different groups and people asking 7 questions on whether they think schools should reopen.

In the letter Ford noted that new modelling expected in the coming days will show if schools do reopen, there could be between 2,000 and 4,000 more cases of COVID-19 by the end of July if in-class instruction returns in June.

Ford has given the group of medical experts, children's hospitals and health organizations until 5:00 this afternoon to respond.

During a COVID-19 update yesterday, the province's Chief Medical Officer of Health Dr. David Williams said he believes schools can reopen safely and that the majority of public health units approve of kids returning to class.

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