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Province Calling for More Travel Restrictions

ONTARIO - The Ontario Government is asking the Federal Government for more restrictions on the land and air borders.

Yesterday Prime Minister Trudeau announced a 30 day ban on passenger flights from India and Pakistan coming into Canada. MPP and Parliamentary Assistant to the Attorney General for Ontario Lindsey Park says those measures do not go far enough.

"The latest is this double mutant variant from India that's reported now in Canada. We saw some action and response to us raising concerns to Justin Trudeau with an announcement yesterday they will restrict for 30 days with incoming flights from India and Pakistan but we still think more needs to be done."

Travelers are getting around the quarantine by flying into the United States and then driving or walking into Canada.

Park says we have too many loopholes right now.

"I think there is a lot more work that needs to be done at our borders if we are serious about preventing these variants from coming into our country." 

Park says they want to see more restrictions on travel.

"I think we have to look at more countries, we have seen variants come from Brazil and South Africa, so any place with variants, I think more restrictions need to be considered and certainly tightening up rules so people aren't bypassing the restrictions by taking connecting flights." 


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