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Province to Review Greenbelt Land Swaps

Premier Ford says previous government did the same

Premier Doug Ford says the government will review Greenbelt land swaps authorities say were rushed and flawed. 

Ford made the comments this morning while responding to the resignation of Housing Minister Steve Clark, who stepped down yesterday. 

A non-partisan facilitator will examine the sites chosen by the province to be removed from the area in order to develop 50,000 new homes. 

The evaluation is part of a larger review mandated by the previous Liberal government. 

The province is required to review Greenbelt lands every ten years.

The review will be one of the first tasks for new Housing Minister Paul Calandra. 

Last year, the province removed 7,400 acres from the protected Greenbelt and replaced it with 9,400 acres somewhere else, in order to make way for more housing. 

The province's integrity commissioner and auditor general have reported certain developers connected to Clark's Chief of Staff received preferential treatment when decisions were being made about which lands to remove. 


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