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Schools Will Shift to Remote Learning After Spring Break

Premier Doug Ford Confirmed today that all students will be shifting to remote learning after the Spring Break.

ONTARIO - Students in Ontario will be shifting to remote learning after the April Spring break. 

Premier Doug Ford made the announcement this afternoon. Ford maintains that in class learning remains safe, he says this move is being made because we can't have kids spending the week off and then have them back in school after the break. 

"We are seeing a rapidly deteriorating situation with a record number of COVID cases and hospital admissions threatening to overwhelm our health care system. As I have always said we will do whatever it takes to ensure everyone stays safe. By keeping kids home longer after spring break we will limit community transmission, take pressure off our hospitals and allow more time to rollout our COVID-19 vaccine plan."  

The Province is experiencing record high daily case numbers and the amount of people in the ICU is over 500, causing surgeries to be delayed across Ontario.

Child care for non-school aged children will remain open, before and after school programs will be closed and free emergency child care for the school-aged children of eligible health care and frontline workers will be provided. To protect the most vulnerable, boards will make provisions for continued in-person support for students with special education needs who require additional support that cannot be accommodated through remote learning.

Private schools that are currently operating and not having a spring break must shift to remote learning by Thursday April 15th. Every other school will shift to remote learning when the kids head back to class on Monday April 19th. 

The schools will be closed indefinitely. The Premier says the kids will only return when the indicators improve. 

You can listen to Premier Fords announcement below: 

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