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Speed Enforcement Coming to Canby Road

Thorold city council voting for changes after resident complaints

Canby Street residents of Port Robinson are getting tired of people speeding, and they've brought their concerns to Thorold city council.

It just passed a motion including two new stop signs as well as speed limit reduction from 50 to 40kms, as well as on River Street and South Street North.

Long-time resident Ron Deveroux adds in his 37-years of living there, police enforcement has been non-existent.  "Human nature is such that generally traffic signs alone have limited effectiveness, unless there is regular police visibility in Port Robinson East, achieved by regular police radar enforcement of the laws issuing traffic tickets."

He says transport trucks and other large business vehicles speed all day to access the industrial section at the north end of South Street North.

He also points out other drivers do 80 or more in the 50km zone, and is perplexed by a city plan to fix the problem only included 20-percent of the road.

Director of Public Works Jeff Holman explained that's due to policy.  "We request petitions to move forward on traffic calming, from people that front on the area of concern.  But we have not received a petition for anything east of the railroad tracks."

Council approved the plan, and it'll be reviewed after a year of having the enforcement in place.

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